
Showing posts from August, 2023

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 31 - Favorite RPG of all time

 That would have to be Lords of Olympus. The Multiversal Soap Opera RPG as I call it.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 30 - Obscure RPG you've played

 The most obscure RPG I've ever played is probably Empire of the Petal Throne. I don't think any of the newer generations have heard about Tekumel unless it has to do with the sad news that came out about the late Professor Barker. Most of the older generations have heard about it but never played it.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 29 - Most Memorable Encounter

Probably my most memorable encounter was in a game of Demon Hunters over 8 years ago. In it, we were a group of Demon Hunters from the Order of the Celestial Torch who were living in a Suburban Home while we hunted monsters. Anyways the encounter was just the Prank Wars that occurred over the course of the game but started with our Human Cipher screwing with our half-fae character because the Half-fae bathed himself in the sink. The so-called prank wars lasted the length of the entire campaign until it sadly ended.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 28 - Scariest game I've played

 I've never played a Horror RPG with anyone of my friends that I felt scared by. Maybe someday that will occur, but I won't hold my breath.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 27 - Game you'd like a new edition of

 The game I'd like a new edition of is The Morrow Project. Luckily it is currently being worked on but sadly all of The Morrow Project Books have been taken off of DriveThruRPG and Amazon. Someday I will start up a game of The Morrow Project when the new edition comes out.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 26 - Favorite Character Sheet

 My favorite character sheet is probably the Vampire the Masquerade RPG Character sheet. The floral decorative pattern is just beautiful in my opinion.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 25 - Unplayed RPG I own

  Uhhhh. Let's see how many RPGs I own that I haven't played. 1. Raiders of R'lyeh 2. Lion & Dragon 3. Darkwood 4. Super Game 5. Part-Time Gods 2e 6. The One Ring RPG 2e 7. Vaesen 8. Ars Magica 9. Bushido 10. Aftermath! 11. Synnibar 3ed 12. Fantasy Heroes & Witchery 13. Machinations of the Space Princess 14. Dark Dungeons 15. Within the Ring of Fire 16. Heroes Unlimited 17. Ninjas and Superspies 18. Beyond the Supernatural 19. Hyperborea 3E 20. RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha 21. Against the Darkmaster 22. Sword Chronicle 23. The Witcher RPG 24. End Times 25. Hoodoo Blues There are many many more that I own but have never played. I have a lot of RPGs hehe.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 24 - Complex/Simple RPG

 One of the most complex RPGs I own is Aftermath by Fantasy Games Unlimited. The simplest game, I own is Epees and Sorcellerie a French RPG based on OD&D but using exclusively d6s for all rolls.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 23 - Coolest Looking RPG book/product

 Now unfortunately I sold my copy of it, but the coolest-looking RPG I ever owned was Free League's Alien RPG.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 22 - Favorite secondhand RPG purchase

 That would have to be my boxed set of the original Dark Sun campaign setting for AD&D 2e.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 21 - Favorite Licensed Game

Hmmmm. This is a bit tough. How about the Terminator RPG by Nightfall Games.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 20 - Will still play in 20 years time

 I'm pretty sure that the RPG I will still play in 20 years would have to be Lords of Olympus. With second place going toward the Empire of the Petal Throne. I have been playing Amber Diceless for the past 3 weeks and while I definitely am enjoying Amber Diceless I think I honestly prefer Lords of Olympus. So in 20 years, I will be 47 and I can see myself playing Lords of Olympus. I am a huge fan of mythology and folklore so I can easily see that. Cheers to the Immortal Multiversal Soap Opera RPG and the many games I have and will continue to play.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 19 - Favorite Published Adventure

  B2 Baby! The Keep on the Borderlands. I have run it 2 times and both times were a lot of fun. First I used D&D 5e and then I used Basic Fantasy RPG. If you are new to TTRPGs I highly recommend taking a look at this adventure.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 18 - Favorite Game System

  So far from what I've played of Call of Cthulhu, I wanna say that the BRP system is one of my favorite systems. It's just so intuitive.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 17 - Funniest Game you've played

  The Funniest game I have ever played was the original Demon Hunters using the Cortex system. I played several characters during that campaign including an Ancient Jewish Vampire, a Demoness, and a French Vampire who was born in I believe about the 12th century Common Era. That was a great campaign and If I ever mentioned the Prank Wars that occurred in a game I played this was that game. Sadly I have lost contact with nearly all of my friends from that group.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 16 - Game you Wish you owned

  The game I wish I owned would have to be CoNTINUUM Roleplaying in the Yet. I still hold out hope I can get a copy someday.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 15 - Favorite Con-Module/One Shot

  As mentioned yesterday I have never been to a Gaming Convention. Further, I never run One Shots but I think one of my favorite One Shots I've played was when I played the WW2 Alternate History Pulp Science Fiction game called Dust Adventures with Grim Jim, Anna Cherry, Sideways Simon, and T-shirted Historian. I played a Chinese PRC who had a Katana that she looted from a Japanese Imperial Soldier. She was pretty badass.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 14 - Favorite Convention Purchase

  As I have never gone to a gaming convention digitally or physically I am afraid I cannot answer this question.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 13 - Most Memorable character Demise

  As it has been my role to GM almost all of the games I've played I personally don't have a Memorable character demise.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 12 - Old game you still play

 An old game I still play would be Amber Diceless since I just started a campaign with my friends with me not as GM for once.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 11 - Weirdest Game You've Played

  Okay, so when I think of weird games I think of games like Low Life: Rise of The Lowly or Heaven & Earth. Sadly, I haven't played any of those games. Maybe if I get a chance to run or play one of those two or run Impossible Landscapes for Delta Green I will have a different answer if this question coms.  

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 10 - Favorite Tie-in Fiction

My favorite tie-in fiction to any RPG is probably Burning Lands by Dominic Covey for his Darwin's World Setting. Purchase Burning Lands here  Burning Lands: A Darwin's World Novel

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 9 - Favorite Dice

  To me, a die is a die and multiple die are dice. Dice are Tools and honestly as pretty as some of them may be I see them as nothing more than as mentioned, tools.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 8 - Favorite Character

 My favorite character I've ever played is probably my CoNTINUUM character Lilith who was a red-headed female nerdy woman who became a Spanner in 2009. I played her in a campaign that lasted a few months first with myself and the GM and then myself, the GM, and 2-3 other players. And finally, it was just myself, the GM, and one other player. We were just about to advance to Span 2 and were going to rob Pablo Escobar to fund the Moneychangers Fraternity's One Big Score that we got. The One Big Score is several hundred thousand to millions of dollars that a character gets when they join the Continuum. It is meant to dissuade Spanners from using Time Travel to win big at the lottery using Knowledge from Up in History. I digress, however, yes Lilith was my favorite character I've ever played. I lost the photo I used for Lilith so this is the best approximation

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 7 - Smartest RPG You've ever played

 This is a bit of a toughie. I suppose the smartest RPG I've ever played is probably CoNTINUUM Roleplaying in The Yet by AetherCo Publishing. Continuum is a Science Fiction game based on Time Travel and a society that rose up around it. It's definitely a mindbender of a game and I highly recommend it if you are a Time Travel nerd like myself.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 6 - Favorite Game you never get to play

One of my Favorite Games I never get to play would have to be The Invisible College by RPGPundit and published by Well of Urd Press. The Invisible College is an awesome D&D OSR-based  TTRPG that takes place in a world where you get to play an Occult Spy fighting for the soul of Humanity. It uses authentic Occult practices that work like how people think they do. If you are interested in what I said about this game at all please purchase the game here  The Invisible College Product Page

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 5 - Oldest game you've played

 This is perhaps a more difficult question due to all of the OSR games I own. I guess I will give the copout answer and say Labyrinth Lord is the oldest game I've played due to its lineage as a B/X D&D Clone. If I were to give an honest answer, I would have to say the oldest game I've played would be West End Game's Ghostbusters RPG.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 4 - Most Recent Game Bought

 Another day, another question. Today's A to the Q is Apes Victorious the D&D OSR-based Planet of the Apes RPG Analogue. Purchase Apes Victorious from the Publisher Goblinoid Games here.  Apes Victorious Product Page

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 3 - First RPG Bought (This Year)

Well, it appears that the first RPG I purchased this year was Raiders of R'lyeh by Cipher Bureau. It really appealed to me due to my heavy interest in The Cthulhu Mythos and Occultism. Plus the idea of playing in the time of Colonial Empires just before the First World War sounded awesome. If you are interested in this game head to this link.  Raiders of R'lyeh GM's Guide and Complete Rules

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 2 - First RPG Gamemaster

Welcome to today's meeting of the Esoteric Order of Nerdity. Today's topic is the second question of RPGaDay 2023. So who was my first gamemaster? That'd have to be my dear old dad. Conclave adjourned.

RPGaDay 2023 - Day 1 - First RPG You've played (This Year)

 This is my first year of doing RPGaDay and today's question is answered with the best damn OSR RPG in Gaming. Castles & Crusades. You can actually watch the games I've played with my friends over on my good friend Tabletop Junkie's YouTube channel. In the game, I play the Dwarven Cleric of Morg, Azrimmyr Bronze-hammer of The High Noble Clan of Bronze-hammer. If you are at all interested in Castles & Crusades and/or the Game I play Azrimmyr in, I am sharing the links below. Troll Lord Games website (They publish Castles & Crusades) Tabletop Junkie's YouTube channel