RPGaDay 2023 - Day 8 - Favorite Character

 My favorite character I've ever played is probably my CoNTINUUM character Lilith who was a red-headed female nerdy woman who became a Spanner in 2009. I played her in a campaign that lasted a few months first with myself and the GM and then myself, the GM, and 2-3 other players. And finally, it was just myself, the GM, and one other player. We were just about to advance to Span 2 and were going to rob Pablo Escobar to fund the Moneychangers Fraternity's One Big Score that we got. The One Big Score is several hundred thousand to millions of dollars that a character gets when they join the Continuum. It is meant to dissuade Spanners from using Time Travel to win big at the lottery using Knowledge from Up in History. I digress, however, yes Lilith was my favorite character I've ever played.

I lost the photo I used for Lilith so this is the best approximation


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