Boosting the Signal! - Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age

 Today is the day you become Gods. Ere you lose that chance I beg you to choose divinity over death and dishonor. This is the day that you will achieve excellence in Tabletop Roleplaying Games, for there is a new game on the horizon: Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age.

Welcome to my blog. I hope to boost the signal of a fantastic looking TTRPG called Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age. A Lovecraftian Sword and Sorcery OSR RPG wherein the rules are customizable and the setting is optional. Do you want to play a straight sword and sorcery campaign akin to Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Elric, or Conan, go for it. How about playing a traditional fantasy game with dwarves, elves, orcs, and dragons? You got it. Or you can play as characters who become Gods whose adventures will echo through the ages.

It would be best if I described the setting of The Dreaming Age a bit. The Dreaming Age is our own Earth 65 million years ago. You see when the Gods of the Cthulhu Mythos went to sleep the stars really did change because all of the various species nearly went extinct in a world-spanning cataclysm. However, the Old Ones created a slew of servitor species, including Protohumanity in a variety of derivations, including Primates, Avians, Aquatics, Canines, Felines, Rodents, and Insectoids/Arachnids. So let me make an example of a God you can create. Khepra the Scarab Headed God of the Sun would be an insectoid protohuman. Or Odin would be a primate derived protohuman.

As your character advances through their apotheosis they gain divine touchstones. Divine touchstones function very much like spells or powers in that they usually work once per day and can require a percentile roll to succeed. Touchstones can be given as often as the GM prefers and ultimately the GM creates nearly every touchstone.

Now we will discuss the rules proper. There are three core mechanics in the OGRE system. 1d20 plus modifiers and bonuses and try to get a 20 or higher. Percentage checks where you try to get at or below your percentage chance. You really only roll percentile checks for powers and spells. Finally there is the Rule of 2. The rule of 2 is only for GMs and it works wherein you roll a die and try to get 2 or less. Using a d6 is much easier to explain but the book will contain guidance for using other dice and adjusting the chance of rolling.

Monsters in The Wasted Lands are not your typical OSR or traditional fantasy monsters. They include things like Shoggoths, serpent men, mi-go, elder things or beast men. It is interesting to note that there are dragons of a sort called apresaurs. Apresaurs are the descendants of dinosaurs that got mutated by the arcane energies of the k-t extinction event.

If you are at all interested in learning more about this game please go to to try out the game and if you are interested in supporting the project don’t hesitate to back The Wasted Lands: the dreaming age here


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