In Memoriam - Azrimmyr Bronzehammer

  2 weeks ago I played my last session in C&C with the first character I played in C&C, Azrimmyr Bronzehammer. Azrimmyr was a dwarven Noble of Clan Bronzehammer. He was among the first of his Clan to join as a chosen cleric of Morg the Creator, God of the Forge and God of Law, King of the Gods, who manifests as a Dwarf. Ultimately however after months of adventuring and gaining much fame and fortune, he found himself with his party in the forest of Kriton in the land of Kokestos. Kokestos is an alien culture compared to the land of Evermoor. Whereas Evermoor is an egalitarian culture, Kokestos is a Matriarchy where men are forced to stay indoors after nightfall. All women in Kokestos are in positions of power and conflict. The issue also lies in the fact that there is an Evil Cleric in Kokestos who is spreading chaos and evil. Through Kokestos Azrimmyr and Shadow Wolf trudged until they finally saw the eaves of the Forest of Kriton. As the duo entered they traveled for a few hours until they made camp and they heard the rustling of dead leaves and the jingling of chains. It turns out that coming through the Forest was an ineffectual Human Wizard named Athar. He had escaped from a slave caravan and was practically defenseless but Azrimmyr smashed his shackles off with his Warhammmer. Shadow Wolf and Azrimmyr welcomed him into the fold and shortly after sitting down at the camp to eat and rest successive waves of Goblins, Orcs, and then a final wave of Carnivorous plant monsters came. After a while, it was noticed that a dark-robed spellcaster was on the side of the monsters. Azrimmyr started trying to focus damage on the plants and orcs. He successfully defeated them with the aid of his party and then the Cleric raised the orcs as zombies. The Zombies came forward and started biting and smashing at the Party until Azrimmyr Turned Undead. He managed to roll the most possible of Undead Turned and just as things turned up Azrimmyr cast Sound Blast. Unfortunately, that was the last action Azrimmyr ever took in life because the next turn in combat the evil Cleric of Kriton cast a lightning bolt onto Azrimmyr, and Azrimmyr fell smote upon the ground of the Dark Forest of Kriton. In the end, Azrimmyr's soul was beckoned into Morg's Embrace, and his body was left pristine, unblemished by the last battle. Shadow Wolf and our new Party Member began a journey out of Kokestos and back to Garu'dan where Azrimmyr's body would lie in the tomb of the Dwarven Patriarchs of Clan Bronzehammer.

Azrimmyr Bronzehammer Dwarven Cleric of Morg

Born - 9th of Peacegiving in the 1st age of the year 899

Died - 17th of Dyinglight in the 1st age of the year 950


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