Fuck the BrOSR! Long Live the NachOSR

In the year of our Lord 2020, some folks got together to ruin the OSR for everyone else. They became known as the BrOSR. Led by the inimical and foul wretch known as Jeffro the Vacuous they nearly destroyed the free peoples of the TTTRG Community. However, in the 3-year war that the BrOSR waged there came a conclave of heroes, adventurers, and sellswords, and unto this arose a New Movement known as The NachOSR. Led by YoDanno the Historiarch of Fantasy legende, PlanteX Games, The Honorable Reverend Doctor - James "Grim" Desborough, Lemmy the Great, RuneHammer the magnificent, Stockholm Kartell, DreamAkuma, and Your Mother

NachOSR is

1. A Focus on Spending time gaming with people you like

2. Eating and Sharing Snacks with those Same people

3. Both playing and Game Mastering to be Metal as Fuck

4. Dropping The Bullshit in Favor of Having A Good Time

NachOSR Rules are as follows

1. Play Games!

2. Snacks!


Things that are NachOSR

Buying everyone a round of drinks

Making Homemade Queso

Giving the DM a burger and a Soda before the game

Listening to Thrash Metal in the DriveThru

Making at least one NPC named "Lemmy" who is better than everyone else. But I won't get involved.

Appendix B: Badass
Books -
Frazetta Covers or some Shit, Comic Books that don't suck, Probably the RPG you're playing. This isn't school!

Bites - Nachos duh!, Burgers, Pizza, Tacos look just bring something! Don't be an asshole.

Booze -  Yes, but also soda and maybe water. Hydrate or something.

Bands -  Loud, Thrashy, Sick music that your neighbors will have to tolerate for several hours as you kill shit on a table with math.


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